Tuesday 14 June 2011

A bit of dampness at Birchen

Always take the BBC (and MWIS and Met Office and Met Check) forecast with a large grain of salt.

Five of us headed up to the Peak District on Sunday morning, anticipating a day of sunshine until showers forecast to begin in the late afternoon.  Those showers began a bit earlier than anticipated, but we still got a few routes done before packing up to heat to the indoor wall in Sheffield.

After starting with a VDiff that was effectively a boulder problem and then a walk, I climbed Fo'c'sle Crack with John for his first ever outdoor climbing trip (CUMC converts boulderers, one at a time) as it began to rain.  Sarah and Ben climbed Mast Gully Wall and Mast Gully Crack next to us while Howie and Joe climbed the classic Sail Chimney.

After this we couldn't deny that there was some extreme dampness occurring, so put on waterproofs and messed around with some topropes.  Meanwhile Howie was sliding around on a soaking wet amalgamation of Porthole Direct and Porthole Buttress, whilst Joe belayed and learned about trad leading.  One more attempt by me to lead a dripping chimney was soon abandoned and we headed to the Robin Hood for tea.

A pleasant afternoon was then spent at the Foundry Wall in Sheffield, however, and Joe and John also did their first indoor leads.

One of those rare (ahem) occasions on which it rained in the Peak District, but still it was a fun day out!

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